2022  Shelter Statistics

Take a look at our numbers:  Intakes, Live Release rate, Shelter Euthanasias (for severe health or behavioral issues), and our Live Release Percentage.

2022 Asilomar Statistics

The Asilomar Accords were developed to provide a uniform method for collecting and reporting shelter data. This method assigns each animal, upon admission, a conditions status of either “healthy,” “treatable,” or “unhealthy/untreatable."

More info about Asilomar here.

Intake: The live animals admitted to a shelter 

All Outcomes: The final disposition of animals admitted to a shelter (adoption, return to owner, transfer, euthanasia, shelter death, etc) 

Euthanasia Outcome: Animals admitted to a shelter who are euthanized 

Live Outcomes: Animals who leave a shelter alive through adoption, return to owner, transfer to another organization for adoption, or any other lifesaving program